A Reassessment of Visigothic Jewish Policy, 589-711 Bachrach, Bernard S
Contractual Allegiance vs. Deferential Allegiance in Visigothic Law Lear, Floyd Seyward
Inflicting Serious Bodily Harm: The Visigothic Antiquae on Violence and Abortion
Jewish Women and Visigoth Law Fuente, Maria Jesus
Law and Society in the Visigothic Kingdom King, PD
Narbonne and its Territory in Late Antiquity: From the Visigoths to the Arabs Riess, Frank
Of Visigoths, Community Property, Death, and Income Tax Basis Randall, Gary C
The Legal Condition of the Jews under the Visigothic Kings - Part I Juster, Jean
The Legal Condition of the Jews under the Visigothic Kings - Part II Juster, Jean
The Public Law of the Visigothic Code Lear, Floyd Seyward
The Visigothic Code: (Forum Judicum) Scott, SP (translator/editor)
Trial witnesses, social hierarchies, and state building in the Visigothic kingdom of Toledo
https://doi.org/10.1111/emed.12428 Fernandez, Damian
Unity from disunity: law, rhetoric and power in the Visigothic kingdom
https://doi.org/10.1080/13507480903368061 Koon, Sam and Jamie Wood