Age of Chivalry: Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400
Book Alexander, Jonathan, and Binski, Paul, eds
Armies of the Plantagenet England 1135-1337: The Scottish and Welsh Wars and
Continental Campaigns Esposito, Gabriele
Court Life Under the Plantagenets (Reign of Henry the Second) Hall, Hubert
Eleanor of Aquitaine: Patron and Politician Kibler, William W
Henry I and the Origins of the Court Culture of the Plantagenets Green, Judith A
Henry Plantagenet Barber, Richard
King Henry Plantagenet in the midst of his barons: public and territorial consultation at great assemblies in England (1155-1188) Cerda, Jose Manuel
Law, Legislation, and Consent in the Plantagenet Empire: Wales and Ireland, 1272-1461 Dodd, Gwylim
Leonor of England and Eleanor of Castile: Anglo-Iberian Marriage and Cultural Exchange in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries Walker, Rose
Mothers, Daughters, Marriage, Power: Some Plantagenet Evidence, 1150-1500 Parsons, John Carmi
Plantagenet England 1225-1360 Prestwich, Michael
Plantagenet Princesses: The Daughters of the Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry II
Book Boyd, Douglas
Plantagenet Queens & Consorts: Family, Duty and Power Corvi, Steven J
Political Life in Medieval England 1300-1450 Omrod, W Mark
The King of Circumstance: The Person, Life, Reign, and Legacy of Henry IV of England
Proquest Chestnut, Megan R
The Last Plantagenet Consorts: Gender Genre, and Historiography 1440-1627
Book Finn, Kavita Mudan
The Plantagenets: The Kings That Made Britain Wilson, D