A Case of Labor Problems in Medieval Egypt Stillman, Norman A
Amenemhat I and the Early Twelfth Dynasty at Thebes Arnold, Dorothea
Childhood in Ancient Egypt Marshall, A
Daily Life of the Ancient Egyptians Brier, Bob and Hoyt Hobbs
Egypt in the Byzantine World 300-700 Bagnall, Robert
Feeding the Poor and Clothing the Naked: The Cairo Geniza Cohen, Mark R.
Food and Foodways of Medieval Cairenes Lewicka, Paulina
Founding the Fatimid State: The Rise of an Early Islamic Empire Haji, Hamid
From Kitchen Arabic to Recipes for Good Taste: Nation, Empire, and Race in Egyptian Cookbooks Gaul, Anny
Handbook to Life in Ancient Egypt David AR
How Many Miles to Babylon: Travels to Egypt and Beyond, from 1300 to 1650 Wolff, Anne
Lost Voices of the Nile: Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt Booth C
Moral Values in Ancient Egypt Lichtheim, Miriam
Non-Royal Patronage During the Reign of Suleyman the Magnificent: Some Considerations
http://www.jstor.org/stable/43384218 Garrett Fisher, Carol
Restaurants, Inns and Taverns That Never Were: Some Reflections on Public Consumption in Medieval Cairo Lewicka, Paulina B.
Short List of Kitchen Utensils and a Bag of Papyrus Rolls Balamoshev, Constantine
The City in Roman and Byzantine Egypt Alston, Richard
The Daily Life of the Ancient Egyptians Scott, Nora
The Tomb in Ancient Egypt Dodson, A
Village Life in Ancient Egypt: Laundry Lists and Love Songs McDowell, AG
Voices of Ancient Egypt: Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life David, R