Eventually, I'll try to split out the various cultures into their own posts. But I wanted to make these available sooner rather than later.
Charitable Women and Their PIous Foundations in the Ottoman Empire: The Hospital of the Senior Mother, Nurbanu Valide Sultan Duzbakar, Omer
Correspondence of Ottoman Women During the Early Modern Period (16th-18th Centuries): Overview on the Current State of Research, Problems, and Perspectives Lushchenko, Marina
Chapter Title
Divorce In The Ottoman Sharia Court Of Cyprus, 1580-1640 Jennings, Ronald C
Empress of the East: How a European Slave Girl Became Queen of the Ottoman Empire
Book Peirce, Leslie
Enter, Riding on an Elephant: How to Approach Early Ottoman Edirne Singer, Amy
Gender Roles and Women's Status in Central Asia and Anatolia Between the Thirteenth and
Sixteenth Centuries Dalkesen, Nilgün
Ottoman Women in Public Space Boyar, Ebru and Kate Fleet
Private World of Ottoman Women Goodwin, Godfrey
Prostitution, Islamic Law and Ottoman Societies Baldwin, James E.
Roxolana: The Greatest Empress of the East Yemolenko, Galina
Social and Economic Position of Women in an Ottoman City, Bursa, 1600-1700 Gerber, Haim
The ‘Dual Identity’ of Mahperi Khatun: Piety, Patronage and Marriage across Frontiers in Seljuk Anatolia Yalman, Suzan
The Empress Nurbanu and Ottoman Politics in the Late Sixteenth Century: Building the Atik Valide Kayaaip, Pinar
The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire Peirce, Leslie P.
The Ladies of Rūm: A Hagiographic View of Women in Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-Century Anatolia De Nicola, Bruno
The Prohibition of Sunni-Shi'i Marriages in the Ottoman Empire: A Study of Ideologies
https://www.proquest.com/openview/1bca0fec6ff52c49394a37ded15c1baf/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y Kern, Karen M.
The Status of 16th Century Jewish Women in the Ottoman Empire According to Shulhan Hapanim in Ladino Schwarzwald, Ora
Turkish Men and the History of Ottoman Women Barzilai-Lumbroso, Ruth
Women's Emancipation in Turkey Akgun, Sceil
Cover image: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/453317
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