Thank you to The Honorable Lady Aelin Kausi for sharing her research.
A Textile Workshop From Roman Times: the villa de Antigons Prevosti, Marta
An offprint from Greek and Roman Textiles and Dress: an Interdisciplinary Anthology Harlow, Mary and Marie-Louise Nosch (editors)
Again, What Meaning Lies in Colour! Culham, Phyllis
Ancient Greek Prostitutes and the Textile Industry in Attic Vase-Painting ca. 550–450 B.C.E. Fischer, Marina
Ancient Greek, Roman & Byzantine Costume Houston, Mary G
Ancient Greek Yarn-Making Kissell, Mary Lois
Ancient Greek Weaving, Experimental Archeology on Greek Textiles and Household GDP
Palmer, Richard J
Button-and-Loop Fasteners in the Roman Provinces Wild, J.P.
Buttons and there uses in Greek garments Elderkin, Kate
Cloth in Crete and Cyprus Smith, Joanna S. and Iris Tzachili
Collegia Centonariorum: The Guilds of Textile Dealers in the Roman West Jinyu Lin
Colour-Coding the Roman Toga Brons, Cecilie et al
Comparing Ordinary Craft Production: Textile and Pottery Production in Roman Asia Minor Poblome, Jeroe
Current Research on Roman Dress Morgan, Faith Pennick
Dress and the Roman Woman: Self-Presentation and Society Olson, K
Dressing the Part: The Costume of Roman Women Schneck, Catherine
Dressing to Please Themselves: Clothing Choices for Roman Women Harlow, Mary Elizabeth
Dulcia's Roman Closet
Embellishment Techniques of Classical Greek Textiles. Spantidaki, Stella
Female Dress and Slavic Bow Fibulae in Greece. Curta, Florin
Greek and Roman Clothing: Some Technical Terms Casson, Lionel
Greek and Roman Dress from A to Z Davis, Glenys and Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones
Greek Clothing Regulations: Sacred and Profane? Mills, Harrianne
Matrona and Whore: The Clothing of Women in Roman Antiquity Olson, Kelly
Making Textiles in Pre-Roman and Roman Times: People, Place, and Identities
Book Gleba, M. and J. Pasztokai-Szeoke eds
Minoan Dress Myres, John L.
Motif and Symmetry Characteristics of the Ornamentation of Traditional Greek From the Area of the Agean
PDF Lekka, L et a
Picturing Homeric Weaving: The Center for Hellenic studies Edmunds, Susan T
Problems in Greek Dress Terminology: Kolpos and apoptygma Lee, Mirielle M.
Purpureae Vestes I. Textiles y tintes del Mediterraneo en epoca romana
Book Giner, Carmen Alfaro
Reconstructing the Ancient Greek Warp Weighted Loom Reeves Flores, Jodi
Redefining ancient textile handcraft structures, tools and production processes: proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on Textiles and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Granada, Spain 2-4 October 2019) Javier, Imenez Avila F.
Roman Underwear Revisited Olson, Kelly
Roman Clothing and Fashion Croom, Alexandra
Roman Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture Edmonson, Jonathan and Alison Keith
Roman Textiles Rogers, Penelope Walton et al
"Some New Light on Roman Textiles." Wild, John-Peter
Textilsymposium Neumünster: Archaeologische Textilfunde, Textilmuseum Neumünster, 1982, pp. 10-24.
Spinning and Weaving: Ideas of Domestic Order in Homer Pantelia, Maria C
Spinning and Weaving in Ancient Greece British Museum Education Materials
Textile Manufacture in the Northern Roman Provinces Wild, JP
Textiles and their painted imitations in early medieval Rome Osborne, John
The Ambiguity of Greek Jenkins, Ian D
The Fabric of the City of Athens: Imaging Textile Production in Classical Athens
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens Budnrick, Sheramy D.
The Textile Industry in Roman Britain Wild, J.P.
The Multicolored World of the Romans Goldman, Rachael B.
The Technique of Greek and Roman Weaving Hooper, Luther
The “Third Way”: Treveran Women’s Dress and the “Gallic Ensemble” Rothe, Ursula
The War in Greek Garb (Chapter Title) Proskurina, Vera
The World of Roman Costume Sebesta, Judith Lynne and Larissa Bonfante (eds)