Ancient Greek Prostitutes and the Textile Industry in Attic Vase-Painting ca. 550–450 B.C.E. Fischer, Marina
Between Courtesan and Wife: Menander's "Perikeiromene" Konstan, David
Beyond Courtesans and Whores: Sex and Labor in the Greco-Roman World Project Muse Glazebrook, Allison
Contraception and Abortion in the Greco-Roman World Prioreschi, Plinio
Courtesans & Fishcakes: The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens Davidson, James N.
“Courtesans” and “Whores”: Words and Behavior in Roman Streets Cohen, Elizabeth S.
Elite Citizen Women and the Origins of the Hetaira in Classical Athens
Project Muse Kennedy, Rebecca Futo
Envy, Poison, & Death: Women on Trial in Classical Athens Eldinow, Esther
Female Property Ownership and Status in Classical and Hellenistic Sparta Hodkinson, Stephen
In the favour of Aphrodite: Sulla, Demetrius, Poliorcetes, and the Symbolic Value of the Hetaira Muller, Sabine
Laws Affecting Prostitution at Athens Cohen, Edward E
Lotores: Roman Bath-Attendants Brunn, Christopher
Lycoris Galli/Volumnia Cytheris: a Greek Courtesan in Rome Keith, Allison
University of Toronto
Man, Woman or Myth? Gender-bending in Lucian's Dialogues of the Courtesans Bissa, Errietta M.A.
Masculinity, Appearance, and Sexuality: Dandies in Roman Antiquity Olson, Kelly
New Directions in the Study of Women in the Greco-Roman World
Book Abcona, Ronnie and Tsouvala, Georgia Eds.
Portrait Statues as Models for Gender Roles in Roman Society Davies, Glenys
Prostitution in the Ancient Greek World Kapparis, Konstantinos
Roman Women, Wise Women, and Witches Ripat, Pauline
“Rulers Ruled By Women” An Economic Analysis of the Rise and Fall of Women’s Rights in Ancient Sparta
Montana State University Fleck, Robert K.
The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman World: A Study of Social History & the Brothel
Book McGinn, Thomas AJ
The Female Prostitute in Ancient Rome: An Identity Ackerman, Neil
Orkney College of the Highlands and Islands
Women in Roman Forts: Residents, Visitors, or Barred From Entry Campbell, Duncan