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Etruscan Archaeological Finds

Updated: Sep 13, 2023


Abundance of life: Etruscan wall painting Steingraber, S



An Etruscan farm at Podere Tartuchino Perkins, P


An investigation on iron smelting furnaces from the Etruscan site of Baratti-Populonia (Tuscany) Benvenuti, M et al


Ancient Etruscan Metalsmiths: The Afterlife Mirrors Life DeBeixedon, DK


Archaeology and the Etruscan countryside Barker, G


Catalogue of Etruscan Objects in World Museum, Liverpool Turfa, JMI


Catalogue of the Etruscan gallery of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Turfa, JMI



Chemical characterisation of degraded wood in ships discovered in a recent excavation of the Etruscan and Roman harbour of Pisa Giachi, G et al


Discs of splendor: the relief mirrors of the Etruscans Carpino, AA



Etruscan and early Roman architecture Boethius, A



Etruscan art Brendel, O et al



Etruscan bronzes Haynes



Etruscan female tooth evulsion: gold dental appliances as ornaments Becker, MJ



Etruscan Jewelry and Identity Castor, Alexis Q


Etruscan vase-painting Beazley, JD



Excavations in an Etruscan well at Cetamura del Chianti: a preliminary report


House urns and Etruscan tomb painting: tradition versus innovation in the ninth–seventh centuries BC Leighton, R


In the hills of Tuscany: Recent excavations at the Etruscan site of Poggio Civitate (Murlo, Siena) Phillips Jr, KM



Metallurgy and the development of Etruscan civilisation Mommersteeg, PW



The archaeology of Etruscan society Izzet, V



The composition of the copper alloys used by the Greek, Etruscan and Roman civilizations: 3. The origins and early use of brass Craddock, PT


The Etruscan and Italic Collection in the Manchester Museum Turfa, JM et al


The Etruscan castellum: fortified settlements and regional autonomy in Etruria Becker, H



The Etruscan sanctuary at Cerveteri, Sant'Antonio: preliminary report of excavations 1995–8


The Etruscan Settlement of Poggio Colla (1995-98 Excavations) Warden, PG et al

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